Friday 29 August 2014

Training for more Trick Dog Titles!

Yesterday we filmed a few more tricks for another trick dog award. Millie was very good and what I've done of the video so far looks good. 

In the evening, we went for Millie to have a run in the tennis field. She did lots of chasing about and really tired herself out! She wasn't too tired to chase a football some boys were kicking though!

Today we did some more of the tricks for the award. Despite being reluctant to start with, Millie quickly got back into it and we filmed two more exercises. Only two more to go now!

I also started to teach Joe how to ride a skateboard with two paws. He did well for his first attempt and his tail was wagging the whole time! Millie's tail was wagging too, she must have been pleased he was finding out the thrills of riding a skateboard!

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