Monday, 21 July 2014

Last Dog Training of the Season!

Today was our last evening dog training before the Summer. We went up to the field. Everyone was there and there were also four other dogs running around. Millie did the heelwork really nicely and she also did a 2 minute out of sight stay with all the other dogs running around. We did some recalls with waits and they were good. However, two if the dogs in the class ran off and Millie followed! She came straight back though! We then did a 2 minute in sight stay. I thought it would be really easy as she did the out if sight and two of the dogs running around had gone. Millie managed about 30 seconds before she was up the other end of the field to the two other dogs! I had to go part of the way to call her but she did come and then walked nicely off the lead back to the rest of the group! 
Other than that, she did well and she's done so many other things recently that it's understandable she just wanted a play!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Millie sounds like she wanted a break from training!

    Lots of woofs from Earl and I at Earl's World!
