Monday, 17 October 2016

Obedience and a few more Competitions!

The blogger app has stopped working so it's not so easy to update now - hence it has been a while since the last post!

Millie and I went to obedience last week. We had to do an exercise where we did heelwork through cones that got narrower and the dogs weren't allowed to touch them. They were quite tight by the time we were out and we weren't first out! We did lots of other things too, and came home with a lot to practise!

I entered Millie in a few more online competitions. Last Sunday she came 3rd in Fancy Dress and 5th in Active Pet! We also came 2nd yesterday in a competition for the Best Bond!

We went to obedience again tonight. It was the first night with the other trainer. We did retrieves and she said to work on the present. She said the same in the recalls. We did some heelwork and at the moment I need to work on getting Millie to follow me. She actually wasn't too bad at that! Again, a lot to practise! It's a good challenge and Millie enjoys trying something new. It's even better when they have a tin of cake there that was left over from their show at the weekend!

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