Friday, 12 August 2016

Millie's Traumatic Day!

Poor Millie hasn't stopped scratching the last few days. I don't know why, it is probably an allergy or something. To try and help it, I gave her a bath earlier. Millie hates water and wasn't at all impressed! It didn't help the itch at all unfortunately. She's still just as bad this evening so I put a bandage on the big bald patch in the hope she leaves it alone for a bit. I doubt the bandage will even stay on though! She's not impressed and keeps kicking her leg in the air when she walks!

Also, to add to her trauma, she got given a big bone. She's been hiding it and this evening she hid it in the corner of the garden so it had slugs on it and had to go in the bin. Poor girl!

She did have a nice walk at lunch time though. We went through the woods down the side of the Worth Way and Millie had a run off the lead. She was chasing sticks and jumping over logs!

We also had a lovely walk around the park in Lingfield on Monday evening and called in the pub for a drink on the way back!

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