Monday, 6 July 2015

A Little Accident Before Dog Training!

We had a nice walk this evening, though a bit of an accident on the way back! Millie was off her lead and decided to jump over a wooden fence, well over 1 metre high! She then jumped up at someone's garden fence to bark at a dog on the other side (Joe did it first, she couldn't let him have all the fun on his own)! She started crying and holding her paw in the air. We weren't far from home and she walked back alright. I looked down and noticed I had some blood on me. After wrapping some tissue around Millie's paw it was confirmed the blood was coming from her! Fortunately it was just a small cut and she's fine now!

Before 'the incident'!

This evening was dog training again. We didn't go last week. Millie was very good. We did heelwork off the lead, out of sight stays, stops and going to mats. She happily did this, even going to one of the other dogs mats - I forgot hers!


  1. Oops! At least it wasn't majorly serious.

  2. At least it was nothing too bad, and well done for dog training!
