Yesterday we had our annual trip to Paws in the Park in Kent!
When we got there we headed up to the hall at the top of the show ground to book in to a couple of things. I saw someone from dog training and as I was taking to her, Joe was stealing treats that were for sale! He hasn't quite got the idea of running once he's stolen something so he laid there to eat his prize!
After Joe had helped himself, we got a coffee and some human treats from the bakery!

I booked into our classes and we had a walk around the show. I entered the obedience with Millie, but she wasn't herself again yesterday and just couldn't focus again. We did one class and then went back into the hall to do the heelwork to music with Richard Curtis.
She was a bit better here but still not herself. It was still good though.

I did our other obedience round with her without much success again because she wasn't focussing. We decided to have lunch and watch the duck hearding display, which was excellent.

After that we went back to the car to get the scooter and skateboard for Best Trick. By the time we got back up to the hall, the class before ours was in the ring. We didn't have long to wait before our turn.
Millie still wasn't right, being distracted by someone taking a photo of her, but she rode her scooter very well and did a few other things. I know she can do much better but it was good to anyone watching - good enough to come 1st!
I also entered her in the Best Biscuit Catcher, just because she enjoys it! She came 2nd in that too! It was funny that Millie and the winner were both part Lab!
She was tired on the way home and slept most of the way back.

Although she wasn't quite with it again, we still had a good and successful day. Smart girl Millie!