Saturday, 19 August 2017

Ditton Obedience Show

Millie and I went to another obedience show today - she was a star! 

We did our pre-beginner round, which was really good. We did the pre-beginner stays, in which there was a bit of a disaster with another dog and nearly all the dogs, including Millie broke the down! Fortunately it was done again and moo went clear. 

We did the Beginner stays and the special pre-beginner stays and she was also clear. We did the special pre-beginner round, where she wasn't bad, but we lost points because I dropped the lead! 

Waiting for the beginner round, I got told we had to do a run off for first place for pre-beginner! We had to do the whole round again so I didn't have much hope but Millie only went and won it! We've won out of pre-beginner now!

We then did the Beginner round, which wasn't bad, especially considering it was the 4th of the day! I lost her a bit in the heelwork and she didn't wait in the retrieve, but I was pleased with her. 

Millie with her pre-beginners first prize!

When we got home, our rosette for an online obedience challenge had come too!

Friday, 11 August 2017

Another Certificate and the Pirate Routine!

Today Millie's Introductory Obedience Excellent certificate came! Now she's Millie My Love Intro Ex!

We also managed to film our pirate routine this afternoon! Millie does it fantastically, even if I look like a complete idiot!!