For Christmas, Millie and I got a Hyperflite disc, for disc dogging! We had a go with it today, it's amazing!
We started off with normal throws, it went a long way and Millie managed to catch it nearly every time! Once I threw it so hard it nearly went over the neighbours fence! Fortunately it hit the house and bounced off it, Millie still caught it!
After that we did some tricks with it. Millie managed to jump over my leg and catch the disc whilst she and the disc with both in the air! Her flippy thing is also getting better! I got a jump out and she was going over the jump and then catching the disc.
Here is a little video. She was much better the times I didn't film it because I couldn't really film ad through the disc at the same time!
Then I put the disc away and got some more jumps out. Millie loved that as much as ever!